
Quality materials are the key to any good product and ours is no exception. We try to keep it in working order at all times. How to count the number of rolls? Before gluing the wallpaper correctly, you still need to buy it correctly. There are several ways to calculate how many rolls you need for a job.

The first is to measure the perimeter of the room, the height of the walls, look at the sign in the store and buy the required number of rolls along the height and perimeter. The method, to put it mildly, is inaccurate, since it does not take into account the characteristics of the room (windows, doors, niches, etc.) and the pattern on the wallpaper.

The second way is to measure the height and width of the walls in the room, calculate the area, subtract the area of ​​door and window openings from it. Divide the final figure by the area of ​​the roll (indicated in the instructions). Add a roll for costs to the resulting number.